torque wrenches for “no-noise” nuts

  • Special torque wrench with rolls to be used for tightening the no-noise nuts with ground contours without notches of our tool holders "OVERLINE": see article TK118
  • While setting a tool it is extremely important to tighten it appropriately. If not effectively tight indeed, cutting tool could slide away from the tool holder during the working process. On the other side an excessive tightening can cause damages to the tool holder or spring collet or the tool itself.
  • The wrench indicates when the torque (Nm) is reached with a strong noise according to the value in the corresponding table.

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icona CNC machining centres

CNC machining centres

D (diameter)
L (total length)
Clamping nut
Nm 1 (dr. 1)
Nm 2 (dr. 2)
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